slag бутлах flotator

Манай slag бутлах flotator

A Study of the Optimal Model of the Flotation Kinetics of Copper Slag

Moreover, the flotation kinetic model of copper slag was established and the results showed that the movement of copper slag in the flotation process conforms to the first-order kinetics.

Copper recovery from copper slags through flotation …

In this study, a sodium carbonate combined with mechanical activation enhanced flotation for recovering copper from copper slag was developed. Based on the phase analysis, …

Recycling of flotation residual carbon from coal gasification fine slag

Coal gasification is a promising clean coal technology that converts fuel into synthetic gas at high temperatures [1], [2].Coal gasification fine slag (CGFS), as a waste by-product of the coal gasification process, is composed of residual carbon and inorganic minerals [3].Over 33 million tonnes of CGFS are produced annually in China, which has led to the issue of the proper …

Flotation of Metallurgical Grade Silicon and Silicon Metal from Slag …

Flotation experiments performed on metallurgical grade silicon have demonstrated that silicon (Si) can be floated in diluted solutions of hydrogen fluoride (HF) and a frother. The recovery was found to depend on HF conditioning time, frother type, and the concentration of both HF and frother. Although Brij 58 produced the highest recoveries of the frothers that was …

Ultrasonication Improves the Flotation of Coal Gasification Fine Slag

Coal gasification fine slag (CGFS) is a significant source of solid waste requiring improved treatment methods. This study primarily investigates the mechanism of ultrasonic treatment in optimising flotation-based decarbonization of CGFS and its impact on CGFS modified with surfactants. The objective is to maximise the carbon ash separation effect to support the clean …

Insight into the mechanism of gasification fine slag enhanced flotation …

The main methods of extracting carbon components from CGFS include flotation, gravity separation, and magnetic separation. Among them, flotation is characterized by high separation efficiency and simple process according to the hydrophobicity difference of the mineral surface [14].The oxygen-containing functional groups and fine particle size of residual carbon …

How to Recover Copper from Slag by Flotation

The results of the tests on slow-cooled slag show that high recoveries of copper can be obtained in flotation concentrates that could be recycled to the reverberatory furnace. …

Efficient recovery of copper from copper smelting slag by …

Copper smelting slag (CSS) is commonly generated during the smelting process of the copper concentrate, it comprises a range of valuable metals, especially the valuable copper (Cu), possessing the greatest recovery value. Currently, direct flotation is commonly used to recover Cu from CSS, but the Cu recovery rate is usually below 90%. To gain insight into …

Ultrasonication Improves the Flotation of Coal Gasification …

Coal gasification fine slag (CGFS) is a significant source of solid waste requiring improved treatment methods. This study primarily investigates the mechanism of ultrasonic …

Pressure Leaching of Copper Slag Flotation Tailings in …

When the copper in the slag is largely in sulfide phases, flotation of copper slag is similar to sulfide ore flotation of copper. 64−69 In the flotation of copper slag, oxides, alloys, and metallic phases containing Co and Ni are generally depressed and concentrated in the tailings. 6 Hence, copper slag flotation tailings (SFT) may contain ...

Recovery of metal values from copper slags by flotation and roasting

The recovery of copper and cobalt from ancient copper slags from the Küre region of Turkey was investigated. A fayalitic-type of ancient copper slag containing 1.24% Cu, 0.53% Co and 53.16% Fe ...

Mineralogical and morphological factors affecting the separation …

The separation of copper and arsenic has always been a major problem of the flotation beneficiation process, which is affected by the multiple factors: the chemical speciation and mineralogical structure of elements in slag as well as the processing conditions such as pH of the pulp, the concentration of agents and the number of additives, etc. (Ma et al., 2016; Alter, …

Froth flotation separation of carbon from barium slag: …

Barium slag (BS) refers to the solid waste generated in the process of producing barium salt from barite by carbon reduction (Jamshidi and Salem, 2010, Guzmán et al., 2012, Gu et al., 2019).In the industrial, the most critical reaction is thermal reduction of barium sulfate, in which process coal/coke is added to a rotary kiln or fluidized bed reactor to react with barite to …

Investigation of iron selectivity behavior of copper smelter slag …

In this study, iron selectivity behaviour of copper smelter slag (CSS) flotation tailings (38.08% Fe, 0.35% Cu, 4.48% Zn, 0.16% Co, 0.37% S) having fayalite and magnetite as major minerals was ...

Oxygen vacancy-promoter on flotation residue carbon from …

More than 30 million tons of coal gasification slag (CGS) are produced annually in China, and the primary disposal methods are piling and landfilling, resulting in significant land resource waste and potential environmental pollution(Lv et al., 2023a).Coal gasification slag including both coarse and fine slag, is composed of carbon and minerals such as silica …

Mechanistic study on the significant difference in flotation …

Comparing the fine slag and flotation residual carbon, surface area decreases from 145 to 111 m²/g, pore volume increases from 0.1288 to 0.1833 cm³/g, and average pore width increases from 5. ...

Research on grinding and flotation decarbonization of coal …

Coal gasification fine slag (CGFS), a byproduct of coal following the gasification process, consists of coarse and fine slag. Coarse slag typically contains less than 5 % carbon, while fine slag exhibits a higher carbon content. The carbon content is generally around 20 %, and in some regions, the carbon content CGFS can reach 57.40 % [5].

Recovery Of Metal Values From Copper Slags By Flotation …

The recovery of copper and cobalt from ancient copper slags from the Küre region of Turkey was investigated. A fayalitic-type of ancient copper slag containing 1.24% Cu, 0.53% Co and 53.16% Fe were subjected to an experimental study. Two different routes were followed to recover the metal values. The first route was roasting the slag with pyrite followed by leaching. …

Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in …

Various flotation reagents that are commonly used for copper flotation were identified, selected and used during the flotation test work in order to identify the best reagent …

Recent advances and conceptualizations in process …

This review summarizes and analyzes the main reasons for the flotation process of coal gasification slag from three aspects (the flotation basis of minerals, difficult flotation, and difficulty of selection). The analysis is based on the development of an efficient collector for CGFS flotation, pretreatment of raw materials before flotation ...

Study on the mechanism of flotation of coal gasification fine slag …

Wu [9] conducted a series of direct and reverse flotation tests on gasification slag and found that the effects of separating residual carbon from gasification slag in reverse flotation tests were greater than those in direct flotation tests and that the ash content in high-ash products was below 90%, so that it was challenging to reuse these ...

Insight into the mechanism of gasification fine slag …

In this work, based on the discovery of the covering between CGFS particles, the selective dispersion flocculation flotation method is proposed to improve the efficient …

Efficient Recovery of Silicon from Silicon Slag by Interface

A large amount of silicon slag is inevitably produced during the smelting and purification process of silica sand. The recycling of silicon from industrial silicon slag has become an urgent problem in the silicon production industry. In this study, the aim is to separate and recover silicon with purity above 95% by flotation method and to ensure recovery rate above …

Enhanced flotation of coal gasification fine slag based on …

1. Introduction. Coal gasification technology is essential to achieve the clean and efficient utilization of coal, but it still faces significant challenges [1, 2].For example, with the large-scale application of entrained-flow coal gasification technology in China, coal gasification fine slag (CGFS) composed of residual carbon and inorganic minerals is produced in a large amount …

Dodecylamine enhanced coal gasification fine slag flotation …

Li (Li, 2021) selected the flotation reagent with diesel collector as the main body, compounded the surfactants DTAB, TX-100, and SDS with diesel at mass ratios of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, and explored their influence on flotation of gasification slag. The adsorption morphology and interaction energy between the surfactant and different ...

Pressure Leaching of Copper Slag Flotation Tailings in …

High-pressure oxidative acid leaching of copper converter slag, converter slag, and pyrrhotite tailings, nickel smelter slags, and historical copper slag yielded high leaching efficiencies in the …

The Recovery of Copper from Smelting Slag by Flotation …

Flotation Tests. The slag was crushed in a jaw crusher and ground in a ball mill and then sieved. N-ethyl-O-isopropyl thiocarbamate (Z-200), ethyl xanthate, butyl xanthate, isopentyl xanthate and butylamine dithiophosphate were used as collectors; terpineol oil as frother; sulphuric acid, lime, sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate as pH regulator.

Influence mechanism of emulsion collector on the flotation …

Dodecylamine enhanced coal gasification fine slag flotation and its molecular dynamics simulation. Feng Gao Lianping Dong +6 authors Jiancheng Wang

Status of Copper Recovery from Copper Smelting Slag by Flotation

Copper smelting enterprises in China have produced a lot of copper smelting slag every year,which contains a lot of valuable elements,such as gold,silver,copper,cobalt,nickel,etc.It have great economic valueprehensive recovery of these valuable elements in economic and environmental way by flotation can not only bring huge economic value for the enterprise,but …

Ultrasonication Improves the Flotation of Coal Gasification Fine Slag

Coal gasification fine slag (CGFS) is a significant source of solid waste requiring improved treatment methods. This study primarily investigates the mechanism of ultrasonic treatment in optimising flotation-based decarbonization of CGFS and its impact on CGFS modified with surfactants. The objective is to maximise the carbon ash separation effect to support the …

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