penergizer grander

Манай penergizer grander

GRANDER® Revitalising Mini Penergizer Key Ring

Stir the beverage with the Mini Penergizer up to 20 times or leave immersed in the glass for approximately 1.5 minutes. Remove the Mini Penergizer and wipe with a soft cloth. 0.5 litres (maximum) Immerse the Mini Penergizer inside of the vessel (bottle, jug …

Schlüsselanhänger | GRANDER® Wasser International

Tragen Sie den GRANDER®-Schlüsselanhänger auf Ihrem Schlüsselbund, um seine positive Wirkung auf ihren Körper zu übertragen.

Grander Revitalising Portable Rod

Try it not only with water but tea, coffee, wine or even your favourite whiskey! It is the size of a pen so can easily be carried. The energy rod is filled with Grander information water and has a …


GRANDER® Flexible Travel Unit; Circulation Revitalisation Devices. GRANDER® Circulation Revitalisation Devices; GRANDER® Double Cylinder Submersion Units (Circulation) Cylinder Devices. GRANDER® Energy Rod; GRANDER® Double Cylinder Submersion Units; Consumer Items. GRANDER® Blue Water; GRANDER® Energy Boards; GRANDER® Penergizer ...

GRANDER Water USA | Water revitalization | GRANDER® USA

The GRANDER® Water Revitalisation is based on the principle of information transfer, and by natural means, transforms water to a very high, stable and biologically valuable quality. The areas of application range from private use in s, to the hotel and catering industry, spa and wellness, agriculture and commercial applications all ...

Questions and Answers about Grander – Harvest Haven

You can treat your drinking water by the glass with the portable Grander Penergizer or by the gallon with the small Grander Board. All the water in your house– bathing, washing, watering, …

GRANDER® Blue Water (4 bottles per box)

Quality, natural mineral water from Austrian Alps GRANDER® Blue Water is a natural mineral water with a very limited supply. Each drop of Blue Water has been naturally filtered through the mineral-rich rocks for 40 to 60 years, and then extracted from the Stephanie Spring with a depth of 520 metres in the Kitzbuehel Alps, Austria.. The water source is completely isolated from …

GRANDER® Key Chain (mini Penergizer)

Suitable for smaller amounts of liquid such drinking glasses & cups. Being about half the size of the regular Penergizer and with the addition of a hole it can be added to your keys or worn …

GRANDER® Penergizer

GRANDER® Penergizer is the smallest revitalisation device in the GRANDER® Revitalisation line up. Its stylish and slim design allows you to carry it with you in your pockets. Penergizer …

SANOMAG | Grander | small products

The SANOMAG has the effect of creating a natural, earth-like magnetic field with a diameter of up to 20 meters. Its permanent magnets compensate for the interference caused by cell phones, power lines, water veins or other geological zones of interference and establish the access to the original magnetic field.

Questions and Answers about Grander – Harvest Haven

You can treat your drinking water by the glass with the portable Grander Penergizer or by the gallon with the small Grander Board. All the water in your house– bathing, washing, watering, and drinking – can be treated automatically with a Grander Living Water Unit .

water revitalizing devices | Grander | revitalized information …

You can find an overview of the GRANDER water revitalisation devices on this page. We offer devices for the central water supply and apartments, but also flex... International / Countries ... GRANDER Penergizer; GRANDER Pendants; GRANDER Keychain; GRANDER Synthetic Reusable Cups; GRANDER Drinking Fountains; SANOMAG; GRANDER-Wasserspender ...

GRANDER® Penergizer

The GRANDER® Penergizer, filled with the highly coherent functional water developed by Johann Grander, has a revitalising effect on all beverages. Suitable for drinking glasses, cups and medium-sized pitchers. Simply stir your drink multiple times and it will be revitalised, which will immediately affect the taste.

water revitalizing devices | flexible | revitalized Grander water

GRANDER water revitalisation devices are also available in pocketsize! These mobile and flexible water revitalizers are perfect for on-the-go since they don't require electricity and maintenance.

Grander Penergizer

The GRANDER® Penergizer, filled with the GRANDER® Information Water developed by Johann Grander, has a revitalising effect on all beverages. Suitable for drinking glasses, cups and …

GRANDER® Water Revitalisation Devices

GRANDER® water revitalisation devices are available for installation in the main water supply of houses, medium-sized and large buildings as well as industrial plants. Call us : +852 2314 2608 Mail us : [email protected]

products | Grander water revitalisation | areas of application

GRANDER® Penergizer; GRANDER® Pendants; GRANDER® Key Rings; GRANDER® Plastic Reusable Cups; GRANDER® Drinking Fountains; Sanomag® References. Customer videos; GRANDER® on site; Experience reports private use. / Eating / Drinking / Showering / Bathing; Animals; Garden / plants; Pond / pool; Heating / system protection

GRANDER® Flexible Travel Unit

Port sizes: 1/2″ and 3/4″ Optional: change-over connectors for 3/8″ GRANDER® water revitalisation devices work with natural energy, without electricity, consumables, service and maintenance.


GRANDER PENERGIZER FEATURES. Treats up to 1 Litre; Portable - ideal for travel. For use in tea, cofee, fruit juice & wine; User Friendly; No maintenance needed. 3 Month Guarantee; …

Grander Revitalising Portable Rod

It is the size of a pen so can easily be carried. The energy rod is filled with Grander information water and has a revitalising effect on all beverages. Made from food grade stainless steel; Lightweight and portable ... Stir the beverage with the Penergizer up to 20 times and secure the Penergizer by its clip to the side of the glass for ...

GRANDER | revitalized information water | water …

GRANDER® revitalizes your tap water and makes it what it is supposed to be again: Powerful, energetic and natural. GRANDER has convinced users international for 40 years. You can find …


GRANDER® Flexible Travel Unit; Circulation Revitalisation Devices. GRANDER® Circulation Revitalisation Devices; GRANDER® Double Cylinder Submersion Units (Circulation) Cylinder Devices. GRANDER® Energy Rod; GRANDER® Double Cylinder Submersion Units; Consumer Items. GRANDER® Blue Water; GRANDER® Energy Boards; GRANDER® Penergizer ...

Grander Water Revitalization – Harvest Haven

Grander Penergizer. Grander ECO-Kat. Grander Living Water Pendants. Grander Sanomag – Magnetic Harmonizer. Stay up to date and subscribe to our mailing list. Click here to sign up. Email Address. Search; About; ... Grander Product Line

Grander Penergizer

Grander Penergizer The portable Penergizer is used to treat your coffee, tea, fruit juice, wine & water. It can treat up to 1 Litre of water in 15 minutes, or single glass in only 1-2 minutes. It is the perfect solution when going to a coffee shop, out for a meal, or traveling. You can Structure & Revitalise your water prior to making tea & coffee.

What is GRANDER | Introduction | GRANDER Water …

GRANDER water revitalization devices consist of a revitalized water core in a weakly magnetized metal housing. The water for the core originally comes from the spring of the copper mine in Jochberg and is produced by means of a generator developed by Johann Grander.


The Penergizer is filled with Grander highly coherent functional water and has a revitalized effect on all drinks. Application: The Penergizer is suitable for use in a drinking glass, mug, cup or pitcher, but not for larger containers. Simply stirring a drink several times is sufficient to revitalize it. An immediate change in the flavor and ...

FAQs | frequently asked questions | Grander water

"It has been shown that the GRANDER Energy Rod Double increases the number of desirable naturally occurring bacteria in the water." 4. "The authors see great potential in the GRANDER Energy Rod Double water wore magnet as an alternative tool for microbial management of drinking water supply chains and for biological stabilization of drinking ...

GRANDER Water Technology

GRANDER Water Technology has been providing water solutions worldwide for more than three decades. Uncountable experience reports from private users, hotel owners, restaurant owners, swimming pool operators, municipalities as well as public institutions demonstrate much better in practice how the revitalised water from GRANDER® really works.

GRANDER® Energy Boards

GRANDER® Energy Board is a wooden board laminated with a protective coating. Embedded inside the board is a spiral copper tube filled with "information water", which is cleverly designed to increase the effective surface area.

revitalizing plate | Grander water | small products

The GRANDER Energy Boards are available in 2 sizes: large: 290 x 290 mm small: 170 x 170 mm

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