antraquip aq 2 чулуулаг бутлуур

Манай antraquip aq 2 чулуулаг бутлуур

Excavator hydraulic milling cutter

Antraquip Axial/Lengthways hydraulic cutters are an ideal for a variety of applications including narrow trench excavation, scaling profiling and many more specialized rock, concrete and …


60hp, 16.5in Cutting Head Diameter, 25in Cutting Head Width, 44 Cutter Bits, 1,035lb Operating Weight. Have any questions? Talk with us directly using LiveChat.

AQ-2 Roadheader on John Backhoe Loader Trenching …

Antraquip Corporation 758 Bowman Ave Hagerstown, MD 21740 USA info@antraquip 1-301-665-1165


The AQ-2 model is a compact transverse hydraulic cutter that offers impressive cutting capabilities working in concrete and soft-medium hard rock for a variety of applications. This model transitions into the compact to mid sized excavators size class, and is capable of providing cutting performance that approaches those of bigger machines ...


AQ-2 - Transverse Cutter by Antraquip Corporation. The AQ-2 model is a compact transverse hydraulic cutter that offers impressive cutting capabilities working in concrete and soft-medium …

AQM 150 Roadheader

AQ-2; AQ-3; AQ-3XL; AQ-4; AQ-4XL; AQ-5; AQ-6; Axial Cutters; Saw Attachments. Soil Mixing. Patch Planers. Tunnel Support Systems. Lattice Girders; Arch Canopy System; Steel Beams; Tube Spiles; About Us. ... Antraquip Corporation 758 Bowman Ave Hagerstown, MD 21740 USA info@antraquip 1-301-665-1165

AQ-6 Performance Data, Dimensions, and Weights

The AQ transverse cutting attachments are designed for rock and concrete cutting and can be mounted on excavators ranging from 1 - 180 ton. Additional information on other AQ models are available at The AQ-6 hydraulic cutter is Antraquip's largest cutting attachment and the most powerful and reliable machine of

Antraquip AQ-2

Antraquip AQ-2. SKU: 3969 Categories: Roadheaders, Underground Attachments Tags: Antraquip AQ-2, roadheader. Description Additional information Description. Available for Sale or Rental. Call for Pricing . click link for technical brochure . AQ2_Specification_Sheet You may also like… Schaeff ITC-112 ...

AQ-2 Hydraulic Cutter on CAT322 | Antraquip

AQ-2 Hydraulic Cutter on CAT322C Long Reach for Concrete Removal in Northeastern USA in a difficult to reach area requiring extreme precision with minimal noise and vibration. ... Antraquip Corporation 758 Bowman Ave Hagerstown, MD 21740 USA info@antraquip 1-301-665-1165

AQM 260 Roadheader | Tunneling and Mining

The Antraquip model AQM 260 is a roadheader in the 85 ton weight class, which can be used in various applications within the tunneling and mining industries. ... AQ-1S; AQ-1; AQ-2; AQ-3; AQ-3XL; AQ-4; AQ-4XL; AQ-5; AQ-6; Axial Cutters; Saw Attachments. Soil Mixing. Patch Planers. Tunnel Support Systems. Lattice Girders; Arch Canopy System ...

Tube Spiles | Self-Drilling Tube Spiles | Antraquip

Antraquip offers a wide range of drum cutters for mining, construction, demolition, trenching and more. ... (235 N/mm 2) 2.0" (51mm) 12" (3.2 mm) 2.55 (3.8kg) 9,12,18(3,4,6 m *1) Self Drilling Tube Spiles (High Strength) ... AQ-2; AQ-3; AQ-3XL; AQ-4; AQ-4XL; AQ-5; AQ-6; Axial Cutters; Saw Attachments. Soil Mixing. Patch Planers.

Antraquip AQ-2

SKU: 3969 Categories: Roadheaders, Underground Attachments Tags: Antraquip AQ-2, roadheader

AQ-2 Performance Data, Dimensions, and Weights

AQ-2 Performance Data, Dimensions, and Weights Recommended Excavator/Carrier Size Class: 5 - 15 tons Hydraulic Power: 60HP (45kW) See Back for Product Specifications. +1 301.665.1165 info@antraquip 758 BOWMAN AVENUE, HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740, USA

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AQ-2 Transverse Drumcutter excavator attachments

The AQ-2 model is a compact transverse hydraulic drum cutter that offers impressive cutting capabilities working in concrete and soft-medium hard rock for a variety of applications.

AQ-3XL Transverse Cutter

The Antraquip AQ-3XL hydraulic drum cutter is the perfect match for 15-28 ton carriers which are so commonly found on most jobsites around the world. This machine's power and compact design makes it excellent for narrow trenches and other heavy duty applications. Recommended excavators/carrier size class: 15-28 tons.

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Antraquip AQ-1 Cutter Head on SSV75 | Antraquip AQ …

Antraquip AQ-1 cutter head on SSV75 ready to go to work for local customer. The mobility of skid steers and the power of AQ cutters is a great...

Чулуу бутлуурын машин үнэ гэж юу вэ?

Хацарт бутлуур: Хацарт бутлуурын хөдөлгөөнт ба суурин хавтангийн хооронд чулуулаг нь бие биенийхээ эсрэг нааш цааш хөдөлж байх үед шахагдана..

ANTRAQUIP Construction Attachments For Sale

Browse a wide selection of new and used ANTRAQUIP Construction Attachments for sale near you at MachineryTrader. Top models include AQ3, AQ5, AQ2, and AQ4

AQ-2 Performance Data, Dimensions, and Weights

The AQ-2 model is a compact transverse hydraulic cutter that ofers impressive cutting capabilities working in concrete and soft-medium hard rock for a variety of applications.

AQ-2 Transverse Drumcutter excavator attachments

AQ-2 DESCRIPTION. The AQ-2 model is a compact transverse hydraulic drum cutter that offers impressive cutting capabilities working in concrete and soft-medium hard rock for a variety of applications. This model transitions into the compact to mid size excavators size class and is capable of providing cutting performance that approaches those of bigger machines without …

AQ-1 Transverse Hydraulic Drum Cutter Head | Antraquip

AQ-1 DESCRIPTION. The AQ-1 hydraulic drum cutter head is a proven compact transverse model designed for small excavators and carriers. This machine offers an impressive amount of power and exceptional productivity when mounted on excavators in the 2-8t size class. ... Antraquip Corporation 758 Bowman Ave Hagerstown, MD 21740 USA info@antraquip ...

чулуулаг бутлуур болон чулуулаг бутлах тоног …

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AQ2 on Samsung 140 Excavator | Rock Excavation | Antraquip

Proyecto: Antraquip AQ2 - Samsung 140 - Excavación de rocas AQ2 cutter on Samsung 140 excavator cutting extremely hard rock in neighborhood for home expansion project. Hydraulic hammer or blasting were not options given the noise and vibration that could disturb this residential neighborhood.

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Zhengzhou Toppu Industry Co., Ltd нь R&D, үйлдвэрлэл, борлуулалт, борлуулалтын дараах үйлчилгээг нэгтгэсэн уул уурхайн машин механизмын мэргэжлийн үйлдвэрлэгч юм.

AQ-4XL Performance Data, Dimensions, and Weights

AQ-4XL Performance Data, Dimensions, and Weights Recommended Excavator/Carrier Size Class: 35 - 50 tons Hydraulic Power: 215HP (160kW) See Back for Product Specifications. +1 301.665.1165 info@antraquip 758 BOWMAN AVENUE, HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740, USA

Trenching with Antraquip Hydraulic Drumcutters

Antraquip hydraulic rock cutters are suitable for trenching and grinding rock into backfill material. Contact us today at 1-301-665-1165. Sitio en Español . ... Antraquip AQ-4 and AQ-4XL. Trenching in Lexington. Antraquip AQ-4 934. Trenching Red Shale. Antraquip AQ-4 PC360. Working in Hard Limestone. Antraquip AQ-4XL

lahore дахь бутлуурт чулуулаг бутлуур

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Excavator hydraulic milling cutter

The AQ-3 hydraulic cutter falls into the mid-size category and one of the more popular models of Antraquip drum cutters and is capable of operating on 12-20t carriers. This cutter is designed to efficiently cut soft to medium hard rock as well as concrete …

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