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Newmont Corporation

Newmont seeks to obtain and maintain broad social acceptance before, during, and beyond the life of a mine. We commit to establishing and maintaining relationships based on inclusion, transparency, and integrity with all stakeholders, particularly those potentially affected by our activities. We expect the same commitment from our Suppliers.

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Operations & Projects

The Western Shoshone, Shoshone-Paiute and Goshute are indigenous to the Great Basin region in which Newmont's Nevada operations reside. Pamaka Maroon Tribe of the Marowijne River The Merian mine is located on the traditional lands of the Pamaka, and we engage extensively with the people of the tribe.

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Newmont Corporation

As the world's leading gold company, Newmont's strategy is to create value for all shareholders and stakeholders through efforts to: Deliver superior operational execution by ensuring fatality risks are managed at all times with strong leadership and systems, continually improving operational performance, and meeting commitments without fail; Sustain a global portfolio of …

Operations & Projects

Newmont strives to build trust with stakeholders through proactive, transparent, and inclusive engagement. We seek to develop and maintain long-term relationships with host communities …

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Address of The National University Science Park of Henan Province is Jinsuo Rd, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China. The National University Science Park of Henan Province …

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