Lagler Floor Sander борлуулалт Канад

Манай Lagler Floor Sander борлуулалт Канад

Lagler Elf 300 | 12 in Floor Drum Sander | City Floor Supply

Shop the Lagler Elf 300 12 inch Floor Drum Sander from City Floor Supply, your go-to distributor for hardwood floor drum sanders.


The is the most versatile and powerful sanding machine in floor finishing. From thorough subfloor treatment via renovation work on pre-finished wood floors to perfect fine and intermediate sanding, this three-disc sanding machine covers a comprehensive spectrum. The powerful motor has been optimally designed for both the heavy-duty and/or ...

Lagler Hummel 8 inch Belt Floor Sander

Power Flite Floor Machine Sander. Petaluma, CA. $45. Vintage Black & Decker Sharp n Sand Drill Powered Belt Sander & Sharpener New. San Rafael, CA. $20. Power tools. Hayward, CA. $30. Power tools. Concord, CA. Power Tools. ... Lagler Hummel 8 inch Belt Floor Sander.

Lagler UK | Instruction Manuals for Lagler Floor Sanding …

Get the most from your machines with the Lagler Instruction Manuals. Lagler machines are highly engineered pieces of precision equipment. The Instruction Manuals for each Lagler floor sander offer added insight into use and capabilities, including helpful maintenance tips and technical information.. We strongly recommend that you keep the machine manual to hand wherever …

Lagler Three Disc Floor Sander

Lagler Three Disc Floor Sander $4500 or your best offer. Isle of Palms, SC. Location is approximate. Message. Auto Parts. See all. $500. Sbc Edelbrock tunnel ram and or sbc 350. Cherryvale, KS. $700. 1998 Dodge Dakota Club Cab · Pickup.

Lagler Floor Sanding Machines | City Floor Supply

All Categories > Floor Machines > Floor Sander > Lagler Floor Sanders Shop Lagler Sanders. Lagler is one of the top sander manufacturers worldwide. Our stock of Lagler Hummel floor belt sanding machines offer reliable, safe operation with a high-performance belting system that can handle refinishing projects in large-scale areas. Show Results ...

Lagler Hummel drum sander/ floor sanding equipment

I'm am the original owner and only person to ever operate my machine. Extremely well maintained and ready for many more years of sanding. I swap out my equipment as a refresher every so many years. Everything is good from rollers to drive belts. Still being used until sold. Tags: drum sander, hardwood flooring, floor sanding, edger, refinishing

Lagler Hummel Hardwood Floor Belt Sander

Lägler 8" Hummel belt sander for hardwood floors. Year 2020. Mint condition. No issues whatsoever. ... Power Flite Floor Machine Sander. Petaluma, CA. $30. Makita Power sander. Livermore, CA. $20. Power tools. ... Lagler Hummel Hardwood Floor Belt Sander. $5,000. Home Improvement Supplies › Tools. Listed 8 weeks ago. 8 weeks ago.

Floor Sanders


Lägler North America

Lägler North America, a division of Palo Duro Hardwoods, is the North American distributor of machines and parts manufactured by Eugen Lägler in Germany. We are North …


Ideally used for the perfect sanding of edges, stairs and wood floor repairs. Great Deal. The ELAN comes standard with the 6 1/8" (155mm) short attachment and the 12¼" (310mm) long …

Floor sander similar to bona flexisand lagler

Clarke EZ Sand triple orbital floor sander in great condition ideal for sanding parquet flooring Location. Browse all. Your account. Create new listing. Dearing, Kansas · ... Floor sander similar to bona flexisand lagler . £1,000 £1,250. Home Improvement Supplies › Tools. Listed a week ago. a week ago. in Ipswich. Message. Message ...

Used Hummel Floor Sander for sale | eBay

1985 Lagler Hummel Floor Sander 8 Inch with upgraded Paddle Handle. Opens in a new window or tab. Pre-Owned. $6,250.99. or Best Offer. Free local pickup. Sponsored. phillipians1211492 (14) . Results matching fewer words. Hummel #P110 Upper Roller - New - Non OEM. Opens in a new window or tab. Brand New. $133.64. Buy It Now.

LAGLER AUSTRALIA | Leaders in timber flooring solutions

Lagler Australia is the sole Australian distributor for the high quality range of LAGLER German-made timber floor sanding machinery.

Lagler Single Disc Sander | Hardwood Buffer | City Floor

Lagler Single - 16" Floor Disc Sander. Uses 16" diameter (round) screens, discs, and is compatable with Lagler attachments like the diamond sanding disc. Share. Email Item Detail. Email To: Your Name: Send Close. CFS Part No: PDBUFFERSINGLE; Manufacturer: Lagler; Mfg Part No: P006; Availability:


Lagler floor sander. In perfect condition with limited hours of use. Includes spare set of discs, boxes of papers. Manual books / tools Pick up...

LÄGLER – Machines

The all-rounder in the floor treatment! The combination of sophisticated technology, a powerful motor and specially developed accessories open up a wide range of possible applications. …

Lägler Sanding Machines

Industry recognized as one of the top manufacturers of floor sanding equipment, their products are designed to be maintenance friendly and ergonomically perfect. Each and every one of …


Lagler Sanders makes the Hummel, a best-known belt floor sanding machine in the world. It's mature, long-life technology gives perfect sanding quality and enormous machine power, …

Lagler Hummel Floor Sanding Belt, 16 Grit, 8" (7-7/8" x 29 …

Lagler Hummel Floor Sanding Belt, 16 Grit, 8" (7-7/8" x 29-1/2"), 10 Pack, OEM. - Amazon ... making it an extremely popular choice especially for larger jobs to use on drum sanders. These floor sanding belts are ideal for pre-finished hardwood floors and are extremely popular in the hardwood flooring industry


The is the most versatile and powerful sanding machine in floor finishing. From thorough subfloor treatment via renovation work on pre-finished wood floors to perfect fine and …

Lagler Floor Sander/ Edger

This Lagler Floor Sander/ Edger is the perfect tool for any professional or DIY enthusiast looking to tackle their next sanding project. With its 110/120V power source, this edger sander is designed to make your sanding tasks easier and more efficient. ; margin-bottom:0;">The rm105 model is built to last and is ideal for those in the business and industrial industry or those …

Lagler Flip Edge & Corner Sander | Tools4Flooring

The Lagler Flip is a powerful edge and corner sanding machine that allows you work almost dust-free. ... Floor Removal & Surface Prep; Floor Repair & Applicators; Hardwood & Laminate Tools; Heat Welding Tools; ... Lagler Flip Edge & Corner Sander. Rating: 1 Review | Add Your Review. In stock. SKU. 317995. $2,676.39.

Lagler Unico Model 105 Floor Sander/ Edger

Lagler Unico Model 105 Floor Sander/ Edger. Including 150 count of sandpaper $200 value. The extension cord is also included. This sander works great. Marketplace. Browse all. Your account. Create new listing. Location. Dearing, Kansas · Within 621 mi. Categories. Vehicles. Property Rentals. Apparel ...

Lagler Three Disc Sander w/LED Light | Tools4Flooring

This sander is perfect for finishing and renovating solid and engineered wood floors, cork and stained floors. The can be used for cleaning, polishing and for the dry treatment of screed …

Lagler Floor sander

Lagler Elf floor sander the Rolls Royce of sanders 300mm from the widerst sander out there still in great working order comes with a few rolls of paper worth £200+ we just don't use her much and more...

LÄGLER – Products

Searching for a spare part? Order it directly from us right away. Everything that makes LÄGLER floor sanding machines even better. We know our machines. And we understand abrasives.


Technical Data* Motor: single-phase alternating current with no-voltage release Voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz Motor power: 1.8 kW Necessary fuse protection of mains supply: at least 16 A Speed of disc: approx. 600 1/min (rpm) Diameter of disc: 200 mm (approx. 7.9") Number of discs: 3 Overall weight of machine: 76 kg (approx. 167 lbs)

Floor Sanding Training

The Lagler-certified Premium Sanding Technology (PST) training course is developed, managed and accredited by Lagler , Germany. Unlike other flooring course providers, we focus purely on floor sanding and refinishing.This training follows the Premium Application Concept to manage tasks, machines and grit sequences in a methodical order.. The PST Floor Sanding Training …

Lagler Floor Sander for sale | eBay

1985 Lagler Hummel Floor Sander 8 Inch with upgraded Paddle Handle. Opens in a new window or tab. Pre-Owned. $6,250.99. or Best Offer. Free local pickup. Sponsored. phillipians1211492 (14) . Tell us what you think - opens in new window or tab. Related Searches. floor sanders used. lagler hummel. floor sander drum.

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