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Tenke Fungurume Mining DRC Africa

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DRC Tensions at the top over Tenke Fungurume mine

According to the information of Africa Intelligence, the office of the prime minister has expressed its displeasure to the president's office regarding the ad hoc commission created to evaluate the copper and cobalt mine run by Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM). The Congolese prime minister Sama Lukonde Kyenge is particularly displeased with Guylain Nyembo, …

Welcome · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

Tenke Fungurume Mining is one of the largest producers of copper and cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [email protected] TFM Building, Route Aéroport, Commune …

DRC : Kinshasa turns to the mining companies for fresh …

Negotiations are currently taking place between Gecamines and Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM), which operates one of the biggest copper and cobalt mines in the world. The company, which is 80% controlled by China Molybdenum Co (CMOC), with Gecamines holding the remaining 20%, has been accused by the Congolese authorities of having underestimated ...

Tenke Fungurume Mining Officiel | Fungurume

Tenke Fungurume Mining Officiel, Fungurume. 18,330 likes · 86 talking about this · 209 were here. Tenke Fungurume Mining est le deuxième producteur mondial de cobalt et le producteur majeur de cuivre

Mines Minister Kizito Pakabomba visits TFM, the DRC's …

Arriving in Fungurume on Saturday, August 17, the Minister of Mines Kizito Pakapomba was welcomed at the Tenke Fungurume Mining airport by CEO Wang Hanyuan and some members of the general management. With the CEO, a large delegation lined up at the foot of the plane to welcome the minister. The presence of the DGA of Gécamines was noted.


Compliant with the strictest environmental standards, TFM is the first DRC mine ever to be ISO14001 certified and also adheres strictly to ESG criteria. Pursuant to the …

Contact Us · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

Contact Tenke Fungurume Mining, one of the largest producers of copper and cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [email protected] TFM Building, Route Aéroport, …

Randgold Resources & Tenke Fungurume big winners at this year's DRC

Mining Company of the Year. Winner: Tenke Fungurume Mining. Tenke Fungurume Mining produces copper cathodes and cobalt hydroxide. The Phase 2 expansion was completed in 2014 increasing annual copper production by 50% to a nameplate of 195,000 tonnes copper cathode and 15,000 tonnes cobalt hydroxide.

Tenke Fungurume Mining's Role in Unlocking DRC's …

Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) played a significant role in this event, participating in high-level panels and showcasing its commitment through an impressive exhibition stand. The two-day forum explored various topics aimed at harnessing the DRC's economic potential, with a particular emphasis on mining as a driver of the country's development.

Tenke Fungurume Mining

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Tenke Fungurume Mine (TFM) DRC

Tenke Fungurume Mine (TFM) DRC. 2 likes. Local business

Tenke Fungurume Mining

Tenke Fungurume Mining - DRC Afrika Tengah - Facebook

Withdraw troops or risk bloodbath at Tenke Fungurume, DRC …

Amnesty International has called on the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to immediately withdraw its armed forces from the Tenke Fungurume mines to avert bloodshed. The call today follows reports that the DRC has deployed hundreds of soldiers to forcibly remove from 2 July 2019 an estimated 10,000 artisanal miners from the […]

Mines · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

Discover how Tenke Fungurume Mining exploits its copper and cobalt-rich mines, using state-of-the-art mining technology to supply the essential raw material for its operations. [email protected] TFM Building, Route Aéroport, Commune …


Check TENKE FUNGURUME MINING SA. TENKE FUNGURUME MINING SA is a company registered in Congo (DRC). Info-clipper brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Congolese Registry. Reports on TENKE FUNGURUME MINING SA include information such as :

Tenke Fungurume Mining Human Rights Due Diligence …

The Tenke Fungurume Mine (TFM) in the DRC specializes in exploration, mining, extraction, processing, and sales of copper and cobalt. TFM is considered to be one of the highest grade ... The issue of artisanal cobalt mining in DRC has been the focus of attention in recent years, including from a human rights perspective, due to its significance ...

Tenke fungurume mining(DRC CONGO)

Tenke fungurume mining(DRC CONGO) - Facebook

Our Story · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining …

Discover the fascinating history of Tenke Fungurume Mining, one of the largest producers of copper and cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [email protected] TFM Building, Route Aéroport, Commune Annexe, Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, DRC


TENKE FUGURUME MINING, Fungurume. 12,540 likes · 20 talking about this. Local business

Tenke Fungurume and Ivanhoe Mines big winners at DRC Mining …

The full list of winners and finalists in the DRC Mining Industry Awards are: Category: Mining Company of the Year. Winner: Tenke Fungurume Mining The Tenke Fungurume Mine holds one of the world's largest known copper and cobalt resources. The deposits are located within two concessions totaling over 1,500 square kilometres.

Tenke Fungurume Mine

Tenke Fungurume Mining SA (TFM) is one of the largest copper and cobalt producers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Construction on the site began in the …


tenke fungurume mining Compliant with the strictest environmental standards, TFM is the first DRC mine ever to be ISO14001 certified and also adheres strictly to ESG …

Tenke Fungurume

Tenke Fungurume . Conference: iPAD Katanga Mining Briefings Location: Lubumbashi, DRC Presenter: Andre Kapanga Abstract: Presented by Andre Kapanga at iPAD Katanga Mining Briefings. MRA. 29 September 2011 . Conference: iPAD Katanga Mining Briefings Location: Lubumbashi, DRC ...

News · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

Stay informed about the latest news and events from Tenke Fungurume Mining, one of the leading producers of copper and cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo. [email protected] TFM Building, Route Aéroport, Commune …

Tenke Fungurume Mining Urges DRC Mining Code …

Speaking on the last day of DRC Mining Week 2023, Patrick Mukonki, Director of Mines at Tenke Fungurume Mining, insisted on the implementation of the Mining Code in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). For this mining expert, "the laws are correctly dimensioned in the mining sector in the DRC but it just lacks the implementation".

Tenke fungurume mining drc.

Tenke fungurume mining drc. - Facebook

Ivanhoe Mines & Tenke Fungurume big winners …

The DRC Mining Award winners. Tenke Fungurume was named Mining Company of the Year for the second year in a row at the awards on Wednesday, while Ivanhoe claimed victory in two categories. The MD of …

Soul mining: The EIB's role in the Tenke- Fungurume …

Soul mining: The EIB's role in the Tenke-Fungurume Mine, DRC | August 2008 Introduction 1. Background 1.1 The DRC: thirty years of dictatorship, ten years of war and chaos / 1.2 The Tenke-Fungurume project: two contracts and the support of public funders 2. Opacity and risks of corruption 3. A project that will not benefit the Democratic ...

Tenke Fungurume Mine, the DRC-Beijing alliance.

The Tenke Fungurume mine The Tenke Fungurume Mine (TFM) is Kinshasa's biggest copper and cobalt mine and one of the world's top cobalt mines. According to Bloomberg, it accounted for about 14 per cent of global cobalt production last year and is also a significant foreign earner for DRC.

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