Mclanahan Litesout

Манай Mclanahan Litesout

How A Lites-Out Flat Bottom Classifier Works | McLanahan

The McLanahan Lites-Out™ Flat Bottom Classifier can remove deleterious and lightweight materials, including organic matter and lignite from a minus 4 mesh (5mm) sand product stream.

Rotary Scrubbers

McLanahan Rotary Scrubbers are cylindrical drums with internal lifters, typically supported by trunnion rollers at either end. The continuous lifting and dropping action combined with water helps to abrade, scrub, and break down soluble contaminants. Optional trommel screen extensions can be added to provide rough product separation, screening ...

UltraDRY Modular Dewatering Screens

The McLanahan UltraDRY Modular Dewatering Screen is a standalone add-on to any new or existing system. It features a Dewatering Screen on a skid-mounted sump that can be quickly installed under a Screw Washer or Hydrocyclone. McLanahan also manufactures Fine Material Screw Washers that can be quoted separately with the UltraDRY system.

Sampling Systems

McLanahan's flexibility in design allows us to offer the best options while the competition may offer standard options that are merely good. Use McLanahan Sampling Systems for collecting correct samples to: determine the appropriate value for a material as-produced or as-shipped, verify the quality or value of an as-received product ...

Shaker Screens

McLanahan Shaker Screens, also known as Sand Dewatering Screens, are designed for dairy producers looking to remove excess water from recycled sand bedding. Dewatering the sand leads to a faster turnaround time while also reducing bacterial growth and improving overall freestall bed quality.

Manure Augers

McLanahan's engineering team can design complete material conveyance systems to minimize the amount of time an operator has to spend moving materials from barns or processing facilities. Manure Augers are built to McLanahan's high-quality standards for performance and reliability. Some of the auger components are also built to Conveyor ...

MCLANAHAN Aggregate Equipment For Sale

Browse a wide selection of new and used MCLANAHAN Aggregate Equipment for sale near you at MachineryTrader. Top models include 44X33, 6X20, 36X25, and 36X27

Ultra Sand Plants

McLanahan uses blending and multistage systems to make in-spec products in difficult applications. McLanahan has the additional advantage of being a full equipment provider, being the sole supplier of the sump, Pump, Hydrocyclone, Dewatering Screen and structure. This allows McLanahan experts to customize and optimize the system to the process.

Bedding Dryers

McLanahan Bedding Dryers are flexible and can operate on natural gas, propane, diesel, or on biogas produced from anaerobic digestion. McLanahan Bedding Dryers require minimal operator interaction. Exhaust temperatures are monitored, helping to indicate the dryness of the material. Once a target exit temperature is established and set, the ...

McLanahan Contaminant Removal

Lites-Out Systems can be used as a stand-alone system or as an addition to an existing sand plant. To learn more about Lites-Out Removal visit McLanahan's website here. …


Why McLanahan Thickeners. With McLanahan Thickeners, producers can recover up to 90% of their water for reuse to create a more sustainable operation. They are ideal for sites where water is scarce or expensive. McLanahan Thickeners also reduce the amount of material reporting to waste. This allows producers to reduce the size of their settling ...

Triple Roll Crushers

Depending on the duty class, they can be used in most ROM applications, such as coal, salt, lime, pet coke and potash operations. Triple Roll Crushers combine a Single Roll Crusher with a Double Roll Crusher to form a crusher that is capable of achieving a 6:1 reduction ratio in the primary stage and a 4:1 reduction in the secondary stage while producing a cubical product at …

McLanahan's Lites-Out System Removes Lignite for Producer

Dexter settled on a McLanahan Lites-Out System, which uses a pulse-type discharge to induce a jigging action to free the lignite. The McLanahan Lites-Out System …

Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Soils Washing in… | McLanahan

Soils washing is the process of separating and recovering usable materials from earth or ground material that has been excavated during construction and demolition activities, greenfield stripping, brownfield sites or collected from road sweepings or hydrovac waste streams.

Vezin Samplers

Why McLanahan Vezin Samplers. Vezin Samplers are constructed from mild or stainless steel and can incorporate various liner materials or spray cleaning devices based on application requirements or customer request. Appropriately sized inspection/maintenance hatches located on the top and sides of the Vezin Sampler allow for easy viewing of its ...

Ultra Fines Recovery Plants

The equipment used in McLanahan UFRs is all in-house and field-proven. McLanahan has the most experienced process team to assist with developing a solution for fines recovery. Because of the vast process knowledge and experience within McLanahan, a full picture of the process can be incorporated into any application design.

Sand Classifying Tanks

McLanahan Sand Manager™ Classifying Tanks are capable of making one or two products for most construction sand specifications and one non-spec product at any one time. To make different products, the tank is designed with two or three valves at each station along the length of the tank, one more valve than the number of spec products desired. ...

Contact Us

Corporate Headquarters 200 Wall Street Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 United States +1 (814) 695 9807 Office sales@mclanahan parts@mclanahan

Fine Material Screw Washers

McLanahan Corporation offers a wider range of Fine Material Sand Screws than other manufacturers. High Water Volume Screw Washers are available sizes that allow the mixing and matching of a screw shaft size to handle a reduced capacity of sand solids with a washer box tub to handle a larger than normal water volume. This provides a lower cost ...

Flat Bottom Classifiers/Lites-Out™ Brochure | McLanahan

Flat Bottom Classifiers, also known as Lites-Out™, are part of the family of hindered settling classification equipment, including McLanahan Hydrosizers™. They are commonly used in …

Wobbler Feeders

Wobbler Feeders are especially good with wet, sticky materials where fines need to be scalped or are stuck to larger lumps. They also work well for scalping out materials with high percentages of clay. McLanahan Wobbler Feeders can be used to feed and scalp material in aggregate and mineral processing applications.

McLanahan Blog

Read the McLanahan blog to learn more about McLanahan equipment and solutions.

UltraSCRUB Modular Scrubbing Systems

Why McLanahan UltraSCRUB Modular Scrubbing Systems. McLanahan washing and scrubbing solutions lead the industry in design and performance. We back all of our washing and scrubbing equipment with more than 125 years of experience and knowledge dating back to when second-generation Calvin McLanahan perfected the very first Log Washer in 1891.

Slurry Pumps Support

McLanahan has a range of purpose-designed sumps, which are a good investment for operational and safety reasons. Volumetric capacity versus the duty flow-rate, overall dimensions, tank depth, internal angles of the tank walls, size gradation of the materials to be handled and size of suction-side piping, all factor into the suitability and ...

Sand Separation Systems

McLanahan equipment is designed and built not only to last a long time under harsh, abrasive working environments, it is built to be easily serviced with minimal downtime. All machines use a unique combination of wear-resistant metals, rubbers and urethanes located in strategic areas so they can be easily and quickly replaced.


Hydrocyclones are ideal for recovering down to 400 mesh (38µm) particles of 2.7 SG. This is typically done in the form of an Ultra Fines Recovery system comprised of a Sump, Pump, Cyclones and Dewatering Screen, which will have a discharge to waste nominally 90% passing 400 mesh (38µm) and a product discharging the screen in a drip-free, readily conveyable and …

Understanding Your Long-Term Vision for Handling Tailings

Tailings are unavoidable in the mining industry, but that doesn't mean they have to be a hassle. Thickeners and Filter Presses offer producers the ability to manage their tailings and create a potentially salable product, as well as generate clean, recyclable process water.

Home | McLanahan's

Get your Penn State League Apparel Here! Legacy Home for all your decorating needs..... Free Gift with Purchase! Located in the Heart of Downtown State College. This form is protected by …

Tri-Parish Sand and Gravel Case Study on McLanahan… | McLanahan

The UltraWASH features a McLanahan Inclined Vibratory Screen for sizing up to three aggregate products (the oversize, the pea gravel and the #57 gravel in Tri-Parish's operation). It also features a sump, two McLanahan Pumps, two McLanahan Hydrocyclones and a McLanahan Dewatering Screen for washing, classifying and drying the sand product. ...

UltraDRY Modular Dewatering Screen

A compact, modular, bolt-on design makes the McLanahan UltraDry quick to set up and easy to move from site to site. It utilizes McLanahan's proven Dewatering Screen, which provides …

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